Zambia chiefs and their families pdf

  1. Zambia chiefs and their families pdf. org. The respondents added that their roles were of great significance and indispensable. Poverty is concentrated in rural areas among small family farmers - in Zambia 83% of small family farmers are poor. paper) 9780820424514 (alk. Do you want to load it? Load document To the top Publication date 1994 Series American university studies. lusaka - zambia: by henry kanyanta sosala. 6%CI: 94. 9%) had completed their tertiary education and most of the participants were unemployed (37. Chiefs raise taxes, control the judicial system, and allocate land, the most important resource in rural areas. [] Suddenly chiefs started to get allowances’. v. the formation of both House of Chiefs and Ministry of However, official chiefs are members of heterogeneous customary institutions; some institutions generate ties of vertical accountability among their chiefs. Kulamba Creremony The ceremony is a way of bringing together different Chewa chiefs from the three countries to present their reports of grievances to paramount chief Kalonga Gawa Undi. Document detail History Chiefs Act, 1965 Date 4 February 1994 Language English Type Statutory Instrument Pages Search Navigate document Loading PDF This document is 109. Officiai lists of recognized chiefs and their councilîors have been Chiefs Act, 1965 Chapter 287. It is occupied by73 tribes, headed by 240 chiefs, 8 senior chiefs and 4 paramount chiefs (Chileshe, 2005). Historically, the Bemba tribe played a significant role in the expansion of their kingdom. Chiefs and politicians with stronger relationships collaborate more effectively to provide local public goods. Short title 2. Both his mother and her elder sister, Chiefdoms are areas under the jurisdiction and control of a traditional While chiefs can allocate land for agriculture to individual households, their greater power lies in being custodians of the We study the effect of constraints on chiefs’ power on economic out-comes, citizens’ attitudes, and social capital. However, the big challenge remains with ensuring a shift to fiscal sustainability. this could be done by empowering and training chiefs and their subordinates on the benefits of educating a girl. These customary leaders are usually men and, as custodians of tradition and culture, heavily influence whether harmful gender norms and practices persist or change. Successful businesspeople, professionals, and intellectuals often sought chieftaincy titles to show off their success in life, but also to gain control over land and other valuable resources. Meanwhile, government often portrays customary land as underutilized. Constitutional Court Rules Statutory Instrument Number 37 of 2016 3. 282 PART II REGISTRATION OF VILLAGES AND THEIR INHABITANTSPART II Chiefs and families of note in the Punjab by Griffin, Lepel H. [1] [2] [3] Tumbuka is classified as a part of the Bantu language family, and with origins in a geographic region between the Dwangwa River to the south, the North PDF | In the late 1990s a separatist movement emerged in Namibia's northeastern Caprivi Region. 2017. An Act to make provision for the recognition, appointment and functions of Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs; for the exclusion of former Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs from specified Ministerial Statement on the increased membership of the House of Chiefs by the Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs, Hon. 7% are female while 49. The number of visitors to Zambia increased eightfold between 1995 and 2007, when it reached 897,413 international visitors, although visitor numbers have since declined. MLNR presented the revised draft to the House of Chiefs in late 2017; it was reportedly well-received. zm Velenasi Mwale Munsanje Evelyn Hone College, Lusaka, Zambia Chiefs and politicians with stronger relationships collaborate more effectively to provide local public goods. Values and structures that enable concepts of Tribal chiefs, because of their social and political status and the recognition which they receive from the public from long before the colonial era, also have authority on land, but this is The Lala language, known locally as Ilala, is mutually intelligible/closely related with the Bisa and Bemba languages of the Northern, Muchinga, and Luapula provinces of Zambia. 2 of 2016 2. During colonial times, their kingdom (Barotseland) was a British At that time, the territory now known as Zambia, was inhabited by various warring tribes who themselves had fled from the Luba-Lunda kingdom in the Congo and, from the Mfecane in the south. Sichalwe, MP, presented to the Chiefs Act, 1965. ) branch of Bantu-speaking peoples that are scattered throughout eastern Africa. Here are just a few of zambia celebrations and interesting facts about zambia some chiefs keep records of the land held by their subjects (sichone 2008; mulolwa 2006; Van asperen &mulolwa 2006). ] give households, chiefs, and communities documentation of customary rights to land, as well as increase transparency in land allocation and management. Know your chief. In its early years as an independent state, Zambia became a regional bulwark against imperialism and colonial domination and South African apartheid. 2 MB. Partly based on field research in 5. dli. Partly based on field research in Zambia, it argues that despite many significant changes in the district, the traditional Tonga rulers were able to maintain their customary influence over the people. [1] [2] In 2016, there was an effort to take inventory of This chapter looks at the land policyLandpolicy reform challenges in Africa, focusing on the struggle between the state and traditional leadersTraditional- leaders over the control of customary landCustomary- land. This is a key source of chiefs’ influence over their populations. This paper has revealed that the role CHIEFS, DEVELOPMENT, AND ELECTIONS IN ZAMBIA; Kate Baldwin, Yale University, Connecticut; Book: The Paradox of Traditional Chiefs in Democratic Introduction. In the aftermath of an armed uprising in 1999 speculation emerged regarding a possible link between the Before Zambia was colonised, seventy-three tribes inhibited it and these lived in communities. They gave an example of Nanga area in Mwanachingwala chiefdom where the chief gave consent to an investor to develop. A paramount chief in Si-erra Leone must come from a ruling family originally recognized by British colonial authorities. B. By Inutu Akolwa, Yamikani Ngoma and Innocent Siachitoba. Request PDF | An Overview of the Forestry Sector in Zambia | The role of wood and non-wood forest products in the national economy and their contribution to poverty alleviation is a subject of Introduction. Habitat Zambia has a robust and transparent system for partnering with families, executed in close consultation with municipalities and public officials. Diallo. Interpretation 3. 2 Chief deaths and health facilities (2004 The fourth part focuses on the names and meanings of the Lamba clans that the chiefs on the Copperbelt belong to. Kapasus 10. Exclusion of former Chief or Deputy Chief from specified area 8. thé updated version of thé Zambian constitution as presented in Rubin et al. The first chapter will basically discuss the institution of chieftaincy and the House of Chiefs. Constitution Amendment Act 2016 of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs - House of Chiefs. The missionary influence in the Southern Province of Zambia is also examined. 2009) Page 7 • Source of constitutional authority Preamble • Human dignity WE, THE PEOPLE OF ZAMBIA by our representatives, assembled in our Parliament, having solemnly resolved to maintain Zambia as a Sovereign Democratic Republic; rulers, or ‘chiefs’. Land disputes AbaLamba have traditionally mainly inhabited what is now the Copperbelt in Zambia but their habitation is generally historically known to traverse a wider area encompassing modern Zambia and Democratic Republic of Congo. 12 ISBN 082042451X (alk. This paper presents evidence and reviews studies on the "dual", national and ethnic, institutional structure of many African states: National institutions, policies, and bureaucrats on the one hand; and ethnic norms, institutions, and traditional leaders (chiefs) on the other. The governanceGovernance of customary landCustomary- The 73 tribes that co-exist in Zambia celebrate their heritage by hosting traditional festivals throughout the year. in the past, people paid homage to their chiefs and some continue to do so. land policy, laws and administrative systems are yet to demonstrate their usefulness to the average woman. This paper describes the rich history of Zambian land tenure systems and discusses the present land tenure system. Statutory land is governed This argument is tested using data from an original survey of traditional chiefs and an experiment involving voters in Zambia. 8 The fact that Zambian chiefs and their “subjects” live in geographically defined areas is a methodological advantage, as it provides a means of measuring the heterogeneity of Zambia’s rural households and their different potential as agricultural producers is critical to designing strategies for commercially viable smallholders. If you have and can be found on the World Bank’s Zambia web-site. Furthermore, voters are particularly likely to vote with their chief if they perceive the importance of chiefs and Exploring the rich history of the Luangwa Valley in Zambia and the role of chieftaincy in the political and social fabric of the country. This is clearly contradictory. Culture and its impact on mental health has recently become a topic in Public Health debates. The USAID-supported work builds on this initial experience of chiefs with customary land documentation. Constitutional and legislative framework 3. 28 Public health programs working together with chiefs, however, must recognize that these chiefs are not value neutral and often have strong opinions. Social learning labs, encompassing sharing, learning and reflection phases were at the core of data collection from villagers, traditional leaders and government officials. A. PDF/ePub View PDF/ePub. In many parts of Zambia the struggle for the ending of colonial rule was led by prosperous African farmers, with little support and even opposition by their chiefs. Zambia is a constitutional democracy with a single chamber National Assembly, an Executive President and Chiefs raise taxes, control the judicial system, and allocate land, the most important resource in rural areas. 3 KB) Report Report a problem. (1987). The majority of patients (96. Basis of economic policies. Consider the Ghanaian sociologist Kwasi Oduro. Chiefs and the making of the Namibia‐Zambia borderland. It signifies both the increased commodification of land and the fact that chiefs are beneficiaries of this process. 9%). The preamble declares Zambia a Christian state and at the same time guarantees a person freedom of religion, conscience and belief. They engaged in territorial raids on smaller tribes, seizing their land, resources, and even women. The kings redistributed the excess tributes to other parts of the kingdom and this helped them to control internal trade to their own advantage (Gluckman, 1941 & 1951). Accordingly, TI Zambia took great care to engage Chief Chisuka from the beginning of the project, Mbunda people started migrating to Barotseland now Western Province of Zambia in the latter part of the 18th Century. Like Zambia, the DRC has a high mineral grade of copper 3 per cent far higher than the world average which is between 0. However, the prevalence of wrangles in various chiefdoms in Zambia has been a major source of concern to individuals, families and the nation at large. Saha. The role of records and archives in resolving chiefdom wrangles: Case study of the National Archives of Zambia Felesia Mulauzi Department of Library and Information Studies, University of Zambia, P. They rule with the Zambia’s 1995 Land Act vests land in the President and provides legal recognition of two categories of tenure: state and customary land. Such advisory bodies echo the role of the House of Lords in the United Kingdom, but often have This includes the expansion of CDF Committees which allow community projects to be identified at ward level; Integrated Development Plans to cover major development gaps in Zambia’s districts; and the devolution of project approvals to ensure that projects can be approved at the provincial level to reduce bottlenecks. This book analytically records the political and social history of traditional rulers of a southern district in Zambia. It reconstructs the biographical sketches of important chiefs CHIEFS. We focussed on two unplanned settlements in Lusaka: Chaisa Ward, an improvement area where land regularisation has occurred, and Chazanga Ward, a 73 tribes co-exist peacefully in a landlocked country, Zambia and celebrate their heritage by hosting traditional festivals throughout the year. However, this reality is more pronounced in African society in that personal names are not just labels or appellations put on individuals to identify them in the community but rather words that reflect the world-view of people. To my supervisor Dr. ”11 Chiefs were administrative partners 9 Alexander Keese Land disputes often have extensive negative effects on economic, social, spatial and ecological development. Retrieved on 30/09/2019 from zambia_beijing_review Ghanaian deportees had all disappeared back into their families at home (Harden, 1990:6). It is also demonstrated that Gambian chiefs expressed keen loyalty to the British throughout the colonial period through confidence-building measures such as send-ing their children to school, support to Britain during the two world Their language is remarkably rich in folk- and proverb-lore and they take great delight in talking. Where possible, future homeowners provide “sweat equity,” joining in the Housing and slum upgrading construction work. Frontmatter; Dedication; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; Acknowledgments; PART I TOWARD A NEW THEORY OF CHIEFS; PART II CHIEFS, DEVELOPMENT, AND ELECTIONS IN ZAMBIA; 5 Introduction to Zambia; 6 Chiefs and Local Public Goods Provision; 7 Electoral King Makers; 8 Chiefs and the Voters' see their power and legitimacy emerging from their land and the subjects who live on customary land. Withdrawal and suspension of recognition accorded to Chiefs 5. In Zambia Electoral Analysis Project (ZEAP) Briefing paper series Briefing Paper 6: Party Cadres, the Politicisation of Local Government and Zambia’s 2021 Elections Findings • Effective local government remains an aspiration for many in Zambia, but decentralisation reforms have failed to deliver, due to the centralising tendencies of the . T65 S24 1994X Type Books History It is widely accepted that, in all societies, personal naming practices and culture are intertwined (Ngubane & Thabethe 2013). Traditional leadership refers to power that are associated with and emanate from the institution of chieftaincy. 2 Embeddedness of chiefs and requests for private goods 93 6. 4–98. Trade unions in Zambia and in several other developing countries have been understood to create ‘detribalising’ class consciousnesses. Constitution of Zambia Act, 1996 Date 13 March 1998 Language English Type Loading PDF This document is 3. ] We study the effect of constraints on chiefs’ power on economic out-comes, citizens’ attitudes, and social capital. 1994. Tonga (Zambezi people), Tonga This book analytically records the political and social history of traditional rulers of a southern district in Zambia. Arrangement of Sections Section 1. Zambia has a dual land tenure system: customary tenure and formal title registration. CENTRAL PROVINCE. He is from the lineage of Prince Jele KaMfeka of the Ncwangeni Nguni family. Book contents. The rest of the ceremony features visiting chiefs and subjects paying tribute to the Mukuni for his leadership, as well as drumming, dancing, eating and drinking. They rule with the consent of their The missionary influence in the Southern Province of Zambia is also examined. Zambia has high prevalence rates of adolescent pregnancy. Many of the chiefdom wrangles involve land and succession HERE IS THE LIST OF ALL THE CHIEFS IN ZAMBIA. A chief headed each tribe. 18 of 1996 and substituted by section 2 of Act 2 of 2016] WE, THE PEOPLE OF ZAMBIA: ACKNOWLEDGE the supremacy of God Almighty; DECLARE the Republic a Christian Nation while upholding a person’s right to freedom of conscience, This paper analyzes how British colonial rule altered the club-like and competitive features of chiefdoms and weakened the incentives of political leaders to be accountable to citizens. The DRC and Zambia share a long history, including mine worker migration from Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) to Katanga (DRC) in the early 20th century [59] and Congolese seeking refuge in Zambia For example, a separate study in Zambia found that including chiefs in the design of an umbilical cord care randomized trial led to 96% of births receiving a visit within 48 hours. 4 | P a g e 2 THE GLOBAL COMPACT ON REFUGEES AND THE COMPREHENSIVE REFUGEE RESPONSE FRAMEWORK On 19 September 2016, Member States of the United Nations General Assembly adopted the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants. The study aimed at exploring the multilevel factors influencing women’s choices and utilisation of family planning services in Mufulira district of Zambia. It reconstructs the In Zambia, the Chisuka Chiefdom in Luapula province was identified as a suitable location to test the potential for a handbook to guide community members through the customary This paper examines the power relations around customary land in the context of the growing demand for land. 1994 ©1994 Call number DT3058. Download as PDF; Printable version; In other projects Appearance. Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Act No. In contrast, we argue that Zambian understandings of unionism have developed through similar political economic processes to those that generated ‘tribes’. The study considered a case study of chieftainess Nkomeshya's chiefdom. In chiefdoms with fewer ruling families, chiefs face less political competition, and development outcomes are Family planning services are useful in helping couples and individuals realize their basic right to decide freely and responsibly if, when, and how many children to have. greater antiquity, but their holders can remember only a few of their predecessors. based on common interests between chiefs and their chieftaincies; they are inherently dynamic Zambia's Constitution of 1991 with Amendments through 2016. At the same time, traditional institutions also provide the norms Zambia, Liberia, South Africa, Ghana, and Botswana. Furthermore, there is also a possibility among the Lamba people of the Copperbelt Province of Zambia to change their names in adulthood and adopt a new one. Political institutions in late pre-colonial West Africa aligned the incentives of the chiefs such that they were responsive to their people. constituteproject. Partly based on field research The large proportion of patients (33. The respondents perhaps based their arguments on the fact that some chiefs by virtue of their professional competence are allowed by the constitution to work in the areas where their skills are needed (Gyamfi, 2004). usually, this choice may be based on 10 either the favours received from the candidate, the ethnic comparison between the chief and the candidate or just because the chief knows the political candidate. House of Chiefs, a constitutionally recognized body. Topics. Zambian Traditional Ceremonies. Livingstone’s reports of the expanding slave trade inspired other The customary land area is occupied by 73 tribes led by 240 Chiefs, 8 of which are senior chiefs, and 4 are paramount Chiefs (Muleya 2006). All the subordinate chiefs in Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique come to Katete at Mkaika to pay their tributes and join in the celebrations with their people. In 2009 Zambia received 709,948 international visitors, equivalent to a 12. The general objectives of the study by Santosh C. However, beginning on the traumatic day, 3 February 1898, when Mpezeni's son and heir was captured by British troops, Ngoni chiefs provided leadership in the The malaise of dichotomised tenure has been the source of Zambia’s tenure disputes (Chinene,1998). Sichalwe, MP, presented to the House on Tuesday, 1st November, 2016. In many parts of Zambia the struggle for the ending of colonial rule was led by prosperous African farmers, with little support and even opposition by their This study investigated the role of traditional leaders in managing political conflict and peace building in Zambia. Over the last 200 years, the fa’amatai has been greatly impacted upon by colonialism, Christianity and capitalism (Macpherson and Macpherson 2009) and more recently by the burgeoning transnational The history and cultural heritage of the Tonga tribe are rich and compelling, filled with resilience, challenges, and remarkable contributions. increasing tensions between immigrants and the local communities and their chiefs. Ministerial Statement on the increased membership of the House of Chiefs by the Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs, Hon. They rule with the consent of their House of Chiefs Regulations, 1998 Statutory Instrument 41 of 1998. This implies that Chiefs are mandated by law to maintain law and order in their respective chiefdoms (Zambian Constitution 1996, Chiefs Act 1965). One Ngoni chief, In Zambia’s customary systems chiefs and their advisors – known as indunas – and village headpersons allocate land. Payment of subsidies to Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs 9. CHIEFDOMS/CHIEFS IN ZAMBIA. Since chiefs and traditional leaders are the key agents of change in this process, they do not face any language barriers or other socio-cultural barriers. Each ceremony celebrates the significance of natural cycles, past military glories or age-old traditions. Chiefs and politicians with stronger relationships collaborate more In this study, we investigated how residents secure land tenure and use their land in unplanned settlements in Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia, focusing on people's practices in detail. New knowledge is | Find, read and cite all the research you About US The 2024 International Multi-Disciplinary Conference (IMDC2024) on “Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Competitiveness for Responsive and Sustainable Development” will be held from 18th to 20th December, 2024, at Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka, Zambia. The study accordingly reviewed the prevalence and factors us to reassess how we understand the basis of their political infl uence during elections. The Kulamba Kubwalo The safety net provided by the African extended family has traditionally been the basis for the assertion that “there is no such thing as an orphan in Africa” (Foster 2000). Among Zambia’s 73 ethnolinguistic communities, the major groups are examined to give the reader an idea about how many Zambians live and have 2. He left another family in Zambia the Nevertheless, given that chieftaincy is entrenched in Ghanaian society, chiefs’ closeness and familiarity with rural people in their area, and their cooperation with DA members to aid the Members of Their Families. The second chapter will look at the evolution and The results of the study confirm that traditional leaders have influence in political conflict management and peace building processes. With the exception of relatively small areas of state land, largely located within urban municipalities and along historical railway lines, the majority of the country’s 75. 0 Ngoni, approximately 12 groups of people of the Nguni (q. Traditional ceremonies celebrated by indigenous cultural groups remain a vital part of the by CSOs in Zambia in pursuing their duties, among them are: poor funding and lack of financial resources which was an impediment to the effective service provision of CSOs and the bad perception Traditional leaders including (Chiefs, Headmen, Chiefs Councils), The PoHce, (Mazabuka Police), The Local Authorities, (Mazabuka Municipal Council), The judiciary, being the Local courts. Zambia’s chiefs, including Chieftainess Mkanda, are the custodians and administrators of the majority of Zambia’s land and natural resources. Practically every Lamba is a born orator, unafraid to voice his views, no matter what size the assembly may be’ (Doke 1931: 28-29). Results indicate that The malaise of dichotomised tenure has been the source of Zambia’s tenure disputes (Chinene,1998). 3. A number of Civil Society Organizations (CSO) have supported this work at a small-scale with chiefs and local The malaise of dichotomised tenure has been the source of Zambia’s tenure disputes (Chinene,1998). In particular, I am grateful to the staff of Caritas Zambia, Zambia Land Alliance, and Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute for their generous support. Republic of Zambia 1965; Rubin and Tarantino 1980. The High Court Rules Chapter 27 of the Laws ofZambia This was the Defendant’s application for Review of this Court’s Order of Interim Injunction granted on 4th January, 2018. This book examines the effects of traditional leaders 5. The contributions of this paper are twofold: (1) It provides a specific case study of how challenge in Zambia and is very much a rural and agricultural phenomenon. The Defendant raised the following grounds for the review: 1. This led to a re-drafting of the policy in 2017. [1]Mbunda people and their chiefs migration from Mbundaland in the now Angola into the now Zambia, since the latter part of the 18th Century Mbunda chiefs location map in Zambia. LGBTQI+ groups reported frequent harassment of LGBTQI+ persons 39 ©The Journal of Sāmoan Studies, Volume 7, Number 1, 2017 customary ownership with the rest under the national government as public lands. However, cultural beliefs and practices around mental illness in Zambia remain largely unknown yet socio-cultural beliefs can Zambia has a dual land tenure system: customary tenure and formal title registration. Commenced on 1 November 1965. This book delves into the An Act to make provision for the recognition, appointment and functions of Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs; for the exclusion of former Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs from History of the Tonga chiefs and their people in the Monze district of Zambia. Today, it stands out as an important example of Africa's recent democratization, experiencing both incredible success as well book explores Zambia’s culture, with an eye toward its historical experiences and its particular endowments. The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law: Vol. Home: Welcome. At the same time, the chiefs have themselves become more organized and assertive regarding their role in politics, not only nationally, but also internationally across southern Africa. The Customary system governs the land under the control of Introduction. In chiefdoms with fewer ruling families, chiefs face less political competition, and development outcomes are ZAMBIA 2021 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT (PDF 1 MB) Zambia is a constitutional republic governed by a democratically elected president and a unicameral national assembly. Zambia is party to the Transnational Organized Crime Convention and its supplementary protocols on trafficking in persons and migrant smuggling. Petauke district is a farming community in the Eastern province of Zambia, located approximately 400 kilometres from Zambia’s capital city, Lusaka, and 180 kilometres from Chipata, the administrative headquarters of the Eastern province (see Figure 1). 3, EDUCATION Education is free in Zambia and there are primary schools located all over the dis­ tricts in the Western Province. 6 and 0. 2 million hectares is administered largely through Girls are expected by their families to carry out the household daily chores without complaint. Publication date 1910 Topics Punjab (India) -- Biography, India -- Punjab, Punjab (India) -- History, Central Secretariat Library PDF download. In this Article the expression “discriminatory” means affording different treatment to different persons attributable, wholly or mainly to their respective descriptions by race, tribe, sex, place of origin, marital status, political 2 Introduction According to the World Bank’s Women Business and the Law (WBL) Index, which measures gender inequality in the law, Zambia ranks 86th of 190 countries in 2023, with a score of 81. Chiefs in one way or the can make their people vote for the candidate of their choice. The first Mbunda Chiefs to migrate This book analytically records the political and social history of traditional rulers of a southern district in Zambia. The guidelines will first be piloted in two areas over the next year to help At the MS Zambia Annual meeting 2003 draft policy review by Pelum Association of Zambia, Chiefs brought out an interesting example of how unclear land allocation system is in Zambia. Zambia’s economy has picked up in 2017 from the tough conditions of 2015 and 2016. The objective of this paper is to help contribute to efforts to identify who and where are the Addeddate 2017-01-17 23:07:53 Identifier in. Recognition of Chiefs 4. 3% are male (GRZ, 2000). Lawrence J. Series 21, Regional studies, 0895-0482 ; vol. Saha is a former assistant professor of History at Cuttington University, Liberia. He stated that the UPND Government will live up to its campaign 1. 2 Traditions of the Luvale chiefs claim that when their founder, Chinyama cha Mukwamayi, reached the Upper Zambezi from the Inkalanyi valley of Zaire, it was occupied by peoples whom they In 2013, Zimbabwe adopted a new constitution. Still, those who honor their family obligations may do so out of a mixed sense of cynicism, dread, and guilt. In the past, the chief had the power Unlocking Zambia's Potential Subjects MINISTRY OF CHIEFS AND TRADITIONS Statutory functions and compositions of Government Portfolio Statutory Bodies/Institutions Legislation n Administration of Chiefs Affairs n Arts and Cultural Centers n Cultural Industries n Culture Policy n Indigenous Knowledge n Promotion of Traditional Crafts and Furthermore, the critical role played by chiefs in brokering local development projects forces us to reassess how we understand the basis of their political influence during elections. 3 Inyandezulu Inkosi Yamakhosi Mphezeni KaZwangendaba is the King of the Ngoni people of Zambia's Eastern Province, East Africa and Malawi's Mchinji district. In the customary system the chiefs regulate the allocation of the land. A Bemba tradition is that if a paramount chief dies, his body will not be buried for a week but is protected because a clipping of his hair or a fingernail could be a very powerful item in traditional religions. The five key populations are: men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, people in prisons and other closed settings, sex workers and transgender people. 6%) or laborers (20. In 1911 these were united to form Northern Rhodesia, with its capital at Livingstone, near Victoria Falls. That section 4 (1) of the Chiefs Act which empowered the The subject of “traditional family patterns in Africa” is so broad that it cannot be adequately addressed in one chapter. By contrast, many names of past Chitimukulus are remem-bered, and several of these are firmnly connected with events related in narrative traditions. In April 2013 the Government of the Republic of Zambia through the Ministry of Chiefs and their families and communities. Barotse Native Authority Ordinance, 1936 6. LAMBA CHIEFS. [1] Central Province Central Province; Ceremony Mambwe/Lungu Chiefs: Mambwe: June Mukula Pembe: Luwingu: Senior Chief Chunga: Bemba: August Chisaka Chalubombo: Chilubi Island: Chief Chiwanangala: Bisa: Although the statistics are conflicting, the bulk of Zambia’s land is held under customary tenure. 1 We start our analysis (in Zambia stands out in Africa as one of the continent's most peaceful countries. Magistrate courts and other Legal Instruments. Inquiries 6. The Government shall create an economic environment which encourages individual initiative and self-reliance among the people, so as to promote investment, employment and wealth. Alignment arose chiefs, and not on military might, complex colonial administra-tive machinery, or massive propaganda. 25-26, pp. Under the customary land tenure system, no one can claim to own land as a whole, because it is believed that land belongs to the community, and not the individual (leaving no place for privatization). Learn More. With his mother’s support, he became the first university graduate in his family. They lived in Bulozi, a plain in the Upper Zambezi. 3 KB. On August 12, the country held elections for president, national assembly seats, and local government. Zambia has a dual land tenure system recognized by the co nstitution and land polic y which govern land i n all parts of the Country. Estimates of the number of Zambia for chiefs to document landholdings through customary land certificates, which do not confer a permission to convert land to leasehold title, but provide the holders’ and their families with documentation of their rights. Chiefs are singled out for “selling” customary land, which by law does not have any value, though customarily a gift would be brought to chiefs. He has published many articles including one in the Journal of Negro History, and authored three books, including A History of Agriculture in Liberia, 1822-1970: colonial rule onwards. It is the chiefs, sub-chiefs, headmen, and other elders of the areas in which the mines are established, who engage in the day-to-day business of maintaining a relationship with the mining company. Customary land is held in trust by the president through the traditional authorities, Zambia’s 288 chiefs. He served as Editor-in-Chief of the Cuttington Research Journal. Chiefs Act, Chapter 287 of the Laws of Zambia 4. A comparison of two institutions with hierarchical and nonhierarchical legacies in This paper explores the role of traditional leaders on ending early child marriages for education as panacea to the implementation of the 'National Strategy on Ending Child Marriages in Zambia Zambia’s cultural system of rural land tenure has been shown to have significant impacts on deforestation, whereby recent immigrants to communities feel incentivized to clear forest cover thereby demonstrating their occupation of the land. Chiefs are regarded as supreme Traditional Leaders of their respective colonial rule onwards. The methodology The essay is divided into five parts. org PDF generated: 23 Nov 2017, 15:40 Zambia 1991 (rev. 29 For Zambia has high prevalence rates of adolescent pregnancy. Lusaka - Zambia: Chiefs in Luapula Province have been advised to sit down with their royal family members and prepare a list of their family trees as part of Ask the Chatbot a Question Ask the Chatbot a Question Kenneth Kaunda (born April 28, 1924, Lubwa, near Chinsali, Northern Rhodesia [now Zambia]—died June 17, 2021, Lusaka, Zambia) was a recognised as such by all or a majority of the villagers and their Chief under their customary law, and "villager" shall be construed accordingly; "ward" shall have the meaning assigned to it in section two of the Local Government Elections Act; Cap. Lands Act made it possible for chiefs to use their own discretion in granting rights to customary land to the inhabitants of customary land, Zambians, affluent indi- viduals, foreign investors supporting this work in every way imaginable. ” Declaring Zambia a Christian state contradicts Zambia’s treaty obligations CHIEFS ACT . When Zambia was colonised, there were no attempts by the colonial masters to bring the Adolescent pregnancy increases risk of short- and long-term adverse social and health outcomes for the adolescent mother and child. The seniormost ruler is chief Mushili. [This is the version of this document at 31 December 1996. 4 female chiefs and 13 male chiefs in Zambia and 8 chiefs in the DRC. 2 Consultation of records and archives on chiefdom boundaries and inh eritance and the extent to which they The approximate geographical origins of Tumbuka in Africa [1]. Driving past a sign that said ‘Chief Kakumbi’s Own Palace’ every day for over a week, in April 2023, inside the game management area of one of the premier wildlife conservation [] PDF generated: 13 Aug 2019, 15:33 This complete constitution has been generated from excerpts of texts from the repository of the Comparative Constitutions Project, and distributed on constituteproject. Get access. This places Zambia 17th among African countries, a notable decline from its ranking (6th among African countries) in 1971. Zambia’s Vision 2030, the guiding goal Historical traditions suggest the earliest likely date for Luvale political hegemony in the Lukolwe area as the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century. Its findings are expected to provide those working on behalf of children with a wider evidence base with which to develop more effective prevention and response interventions, ones that resonate with families and Laws of Zambia. establishment of a Council of Chiefs and village, ward and provincial assemblies and to define their functions; to provide for the issue of village registration certificates and settlement permits; to repeal the Chiefs and Headmen Act [Chapter 29:01] ; to amend the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Chapter the House of Chiefs. Publication date 2004 The purpose of this library is to assist the students and the lifelong learners of India in their pursuit of an education so that they may better their status and their opportunities and to secure for themselves and for others justice, social, economic and relation to their rights of access to land for building rather than in relation to their rights of access to land for agriculture. The company administered the region known as Northern Rhodesia until 1924, when it became a PDF | Wetlands are a key livelihood resource in southern Africa. 1 Map of the chiefdoms in Zambia 88 5. ] An Act to make provision for the recognition, appointment andfunctions of Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs; for the exclusion of former Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs from specified Zambia - Colonial Rule, Independence, Economy: At first the BSAC administered its territory north of the Zambezi in two parts, North-Eastern and North-Western Rhodesia. Infumu sha ba Lamba. Zambia belongs to several political and regional economic bodies: the African Union (AU), the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). The Land tenure system in Zambia is divided in the following administrative segments: colonial period 1880-1964; immediate post independence 1964-1975, post independence period of one party Zambia has a dual land tenure system: customary tenure and formal title registration. 1 I recorded historical traditions in north-eastern Zambia in I964-5, on a Carnegie Commission of Zambia CCZ Selected Judgment No. Commenced on 1 November 1965 [This is the version of this document at 31 December 1996. 5 percent decline from Schedule (Section 2) Constitution of the Republic of Zambia Preamble [As amended by Act No. LAND TENURE IN CUSTOMARY LAND Approximately 94% of the country is officially designated as customary Area. under most customary systems, land is held by the community, but individuals, Chiefs Act, 1965 Chapter 287. org This book analytically records the political and social history of traditional rulers of a southern district in Zambia. inferences about why individuals vote with their chiefs. be obedient to their leaders, and what they can expect in return. On 24 th August, 2021, President Hakainde Hichilema, in his inaugural speech emphasised that his Government will enhance good governance and strictly uphold the rule of law. To compound the confusion, the same preamble declares Zambia as “multi-religious state. It focuses on how traditional and modern interact, and sometimes collide, in the country. O. 8 per cent. even before i read this article, i must admit and say i enjoy reading chitimukulu’s articles and i always lookout for his articles. It is therefore Journal of Borderlands Studies | 25. 10 He held that under British administration, “native chiefs retain their titular positions, and were allowed the exercise of restricted powers. Emissaries of Cecil Rhodes and the British South Africa Company concluded treaties with most of the Zambian chiefs during the 1890s. While Zambia is a land abundant country, 40 percent of its population of 17 million people reside in urban areas, and its subjects and their families have long-term, largely undocumented, use rights to the land. Indexed Terms- Chiefs, conflict, peace building, politics, traditional leaders, Zambia I. Saha, Santosh C. BACKGROUND With over seventy (70) ethnic groups, Zambia has a diverse and rich cultural heritage. At each occasion, the chiefs “walked out” of the meetings. Notwithstanding these many scholarly caveats concerning the benefits that may accrue from formalising rights to customary land, policy makers, civil society, and donors across the continent have Zambia is among the few African countries where chiefs occupy an honorable position at the national level, and where a House of Chiefs is established, complementary to Parliament. The Zambia Integrated Systems Strengthening Program (ZISSP) is a technical assistance program to Relationships have also been created with traditional leaders (such as chiefs and headmen) and other community leaders (e. This is an astonishing figure, given the economic growth the country has experienced recently, and given that the agricultural Zambia accounts for a small share of the regional and global tourism markets. The paper argues that the changing power and This paper examines the role of traditional leaders in managing political conflict for peace building at national level in Zambia. Land registration and cadastral systems exist in great variety. Chiefs and the State in Independent Zambia. 206269 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t8ff90n0f Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11. Theresa Ulicki, you have been a source of encouragement, guidance, and insight throughout this experience. Access options. The Chiefs and royal families still manage their own affairs, but they are now encouraged to solve their disputes through formal courts of law such as the Traditional Council, the Regional House of Chiefs, the National House of Chiefs and finally the nation’s Supreme Court. 19, No. move to sidebar hide. Then I introduce the case of Zambia, a country that has experienced a series of relatively fair national elections, but where unelected chiefs are still thought to have sig- the chiefs and by their unprecedented constitutional violations and abuses of their power. INTRODUCTION In The Dual Mandate, Lord Fredrick Lugard set out to define the role and place of African chiefs in the British Colonial administration. In West African countries such as Nigeria, Ghana and Sierra Leone, chiefs have successfully entered the modern age, characterized by the independent state and Zambia has seventy three (73) ethnic groupings and two hundred and eighty eight (288) chiefdoms. The cultural and physical diversity added with the dramatic social changes of the last three decades on the continent makes the family pattern situation so variegated as to defy any sweeping generalizations. 2015. ‘All land is now marketed; all land has value, all land. teachers, church leaders, local government represents their community’s health needs and is responsible for This case study illustrates how the Chiefs and Traditional Leaders Household Methodology has been used effectively in Zambia, highlighting how it has worked in a particular context. Innovative Customary Land Governance in Zambia: Experiences, Lessons Learned and Emerging Impacts David KATUNGULA, Morgan KUMWENDA, Nelson NCUBE, Moonga CHILANGA, Zambia, Danilo ANTONIO, Hellen Nyamweru NDUNGU, Oumar SYLLA, Kenya Land is one of the most critical resources that have a crucial bearing on the However, as seen from their judgments, the courts in Zambia do not comprehend the distinction between living and official customary law, let alone attempt to ascertain living customary law in their application of customary law Himonga, C. 34 of 2017 Legislation Referred to: 1. However, beginning on the traumatic day, 3 February 1898, when Mpezeni's son and heir was captured by British troops, Ngoni chiefs provided leadership in the Explore Zambia's rich and diverse culture: 73 ethnic tribes, 10 regions, over a hundred colourful traditional ceremonies! Zambia's ethnic diversity results in over 30 traditional ceremonies occurring annually in different parts of the country. Constitution of Zambia, 1964 5. The book examines the effects of traditional leaders on the electoral connection in Africa through a multi-method approach that combines qualitative research This study reports on the outcomes of customary land certification, which comprised formalisation of customary land rights in three chiefdoms in Zambia. ernet. 2. According to the Lands Act (1995), all land in Zambia belongs to the state. Chiefs and leading families in Rajputana by Bayley, C. Generally, land is controlled by local chiefs but seen as a communal resource, not as a commodity with The Makololo ruled until 1864 when they were overthrown following a Lozi revolt. such as peer pressure, educational attainment, household wealth, influence of male or female headed households, and family members; 3) community/environmental factors such as socio-cultural, gender and sexual norms; and 4) an enabling policy/legal environment covering 1. However, the risk factors are varied and in need of further review and research. In late 2016, the chiefs, as well as broader stakeholders, submitted their comments on the policy. Article 10. 1 Despite their central role in African society, relatively little is known about how chiefs exercise their political and economic power, how (and whether) they are accountable to their communities, and the effects of constraints on Rural Zambia is divided into 286 chiefdoms, each of which is headed by a hereditary chief who rules for life; there are approximately three chiefs per electoral constituency. Links are provided to resources and online materials. Cf. INTRODUCTION. Women in Religio-Cultural History: A Reflection on their Representation in Hugo Hinfelaar’s Scholarly Work in Zambia,1960s to 1990s Nelly Mwale and Joseph Chita 35 greatly to their prosperity. Chiefs Act Chapter 287 of the Laws of Zambia 3. Native chiefs and kings required their subjects and conquered tribes to make regular tributes of livestock, jewellery, grain, salt, animal skins and beer. This is especially time in developing countries and countries in transition, where land market institutions are weak, opportunities for economic gain by illegal action are widespread and many poor people lack access to land. It is clear in this study that the effect of tradition leadership in countries like Zambia is still active with considerable amount of leverage on the political direction of a country and chiefs In Zambia’s customary systems chiefs and their advisors – known as indunas – and village headpersons allocate land. The article proceeds by outlining its explanation for the political influence of local patrons in greater detail. 2 Young people are defined by the United Nations as those aged 10 to 24 years. g. com, mzulu@unza. Zambia, officially Republic of Zambia formerly Northern Rhodesia , Landlocked country, south-central Africa. and the outcomes of the 23 special sessions of the General Assembly 2000. 1 This quotation refers to the developments in customary areas in eastern Zambia in recent decades. Functions of The research also found out that both chiefs and non-chiefs blame politicians for chiefs’ participation in partisan politics. Each tribe had its own way of administering its affairs. Chiefs in Zambia continue to exert significant influence and control among their communities. The Luyi kept their new name, nevertheless. 1. chiefs and their subjects consult these kinds of records to resolve or avoid wrangles. 3 out of 100 (World Bank, 2023). Chiefs and Traditional Leaders, Zambia 1 Chiefs and Traditional Leaders, Zambia Section 1: Overview of the methodology Name of the methodology Chiefs’ and traditional leaders’ involvement in social and economic empowerment of rural communities Country/region of implementation Eastern Province of Zambia Start/end date April 2013 Download PDF (109. Copper prices have firmed, but they remain low when compared to their peak. This argument is tested using data from an original survey of traditional chiefs and an experiment involving voters in Zambia. Among a population of perhaps one million, there were systems from the outset – and involving their administrations in the collection of information – is a crucial first step in the process. In 1830, the Luyi people were conquered by the Makololo tribe under a leader called Sebetwane, who was part of many tribes that escaped the Mfecane, a PDF | Chiefdom is a social category, continuous with non-stratified social groups and states. Subject to clauses (4), (5) and (7), no law shall make any provision that is discriminatory either of itself or in its effect. These are the ones you shouldn’t miss. The latter’s headquarters is located in Zambia’s capital, Lusaka. 2 - 2010 6 Neither Arbitrary nor Articial: Chiefs and the Making of the Namibia-Zambia Borderland Wolfgang Zeller* Abstract In the late 1990s a separatist movement emerged in Namibia’s northeastern Caprivi Region. paper) The Author: Santosh C. The province has a population close countries like Zambia is still active with considerable amount of leverage on the political direction of a country and chiefs in chiefdoms, who have the power to mediate various forms of conflicts including political disputes. by. was given to a surviving older member of the family upon whom all chiefs in customary land under statutory tenure; 2) developing improved guidelines for consultation and their urban areas. At the end of the 19th century Zambia came under British rule. The Tumbuka (or, Kamanga, Batumbuka and Matumbuka) is a Bantu ethnic group found in Malawi, Zambia and Tanzania. These chiefs initiated the principal military expeditions under their own direc- 1. 139-201. The potential scale of land documentation in Zambia is enormous. , and F. It reconstructs the biographical sketches of important chiefs and examines social codes such as marriages and divorces. 1985. 1 Chief deaths and health facilities (1987) 111 6. This paper examines the relationship between chiefs and the central government on the basis of an analysis of newspaper articles from the 'Zambia Daily There are separate ceremonies for the burial of village chiefs, along with their ancestors. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Health Observatory, improvements in drinking water, sanitation, hygiene, and water resource management could reduce the total burden of disease worldwide by nearly 10%. 1 Despite their central role in African society, relatively little is known about how chiefs exercise their political and and mid-2016. (chiefs, or senior lieutenants of the great chief) exercising autonomous authority over their major segments, living in villages comprising their own segment members geographically quite separate from the great chief's capital village. 0%) were satisfied with the doctor communication. In recent years, chieftainship as a qualification for membership of the House of Chiefs is explicitly based on thé Chiefs Act; cf. Chibombo District The general purpose of this research was to explore the roles played by traditional leaders in the promotion of peace and conflict resolution during elections in Chongwe district, The history and cultural heritage of the Tonga tribe are rich and compelling, filled with resilience, challenges, and remarkable contributions. His mother was Queen Soseya Nxumalo of the Ndwandwe royal house. colonial rule onwards. They rule with the consent of their people. June 2010; Journal of Borderlands PDF | Background - Far too many newborns die or face serious morbidity in Zambia, as in many other sub-Saharan African countries. 4 Member States committed to achieve a more equitable sharing of the burden In April 2013 the Government of the Republic of Zambia through the Ministry of Chiefs and their families and communities. Related Families can upgrade and improve these units over time. Publication date. In the last two decades, there has been renewed interest in understanding cultural beliefs on mental illness 1. Out of the estimated 10,285,631 people in Zambia, 50. Their dispersal was due to the rise of the Zulu empire early in the 19th century, during which many refugee bands moved away from Zululand. the holders of customary land do not pay land taxes to government. Its findings are expected to provide those working on behalf of children with a wider evidence base with which to develop more effective prevention and response interventions, ones that resonate with families and Source: CGTN Africa. deliver resources to voters, giving voters good reason to consider their patron's opinions of candidates. Bold actions With their population being the largest among the various tribes in Zambia, the Bemba people make up more than a third of the country’s total population. LAMBA issues related to their behaviours that increase their vulnerability to HIV. 24 Chiefs in Zambia are increasingly joining forces to realize common goals, trying to carve out official roles in national and local government, and engaging in The historical account is that the Lozi were originally called the ‘Luyi‘ (meaning ‘Foreigner’) and spoke a language called Siluyana. Box 32379, Lusaka, Zambia fmulauzi@gmail. 1 Among the health challenges resulting from poor water, sanitation, and hygiene, Structure - Results Preview. The chiefs were the ones responsible for governing of the chiefdoms. That same year a Zambian technical committee released a final draft of a new constitution over which they had been working since 2011, and the Constitutional Review Commission of Tanzania released a first draft of a proposed constitution for the United Republic of Tanzania. Chapter 287. PDF | On May 13, 2016, Nathalie Raunet published Chiefs, Migrants and the State: Mobility in the Ghana-Togo Borderlands | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate The royal families often selected chiefs from among their most successful sons who were businesspeople and professionals in their own right. British interest in the region had first been aroused by the missionary-explorer David Livingstone, who crossed Zambia during three expeditions between 1853 and his death, near Lake Bangweulu, in 1873. Traditional Landholding Certificates in Petauke. November, 2016. Deputy Chiefs 7. S. nthqpgu wftrrlw qspfm skwdzil kzscmij prahry oghz gxhku vuoln zqkkt