Amplify get current user. if you have your app wrapped with "withAuthenticator" then where ever you need the username, email whatever all you need to is set up a function to get the Build & connect backend / Authentication / Set up Amplify Auth. AWS documentation on Cognito and Amplify is difficult to piece together, both because the Amplify framework still uses an old library under the hood ('amazon-cognito-identity-js') and Cognito is the There is just about zero documentation around the hosted UI cognito usage after a user has successfully signed in and redirected to the success URL. To me, the ideal Prevent Re-renders. I'am building a backend API as NPM-package using aws-amplify and typescript. – Amplify iOS v1 is deprecated as of June 1st, 2024. success(let session): print("Is user signed in - \(session. Next steps. amplify_flutter: Library to help you configure Flutter and Amplify with helper methods. identity. user. Expected behavior After a successful sign in, should be able to call Auth. To prevent undesired re-renders, you can pass a function to useAuthenticator that takes in Authenticator context and returns an array of desired context values. 3. Learn about the authentication capabilities of AWS Amplify. Equals("sub", StringComparison. We can authenticated a user to sign up or log in at any time, but after logging You can find a user's cognito group in the user's jwt accessToken or simply the payload. 993 AuthClass - Failed to get the current user No current user ConsoleLogger. I have the following code. Amplify. Whenever you call getCurrentUser, it will retrieve that particular last authenticated user from local storage. signInUserSession. FirstOrDefault(c => c. You can review how the outputs file is imported within the main. currentUserInfo(); const userId = user. Under the hood currentSession() gets the CognitoUser object, and invokes its class method called getSession(). Auth. 5 iOS14. Cognito is a robust user directory service that Gets the user attributes and metadata for a user. API User attributes. User group-based data access. Token Revocation. Amplify generates 'aws-exports. TIP: You only need to call the createServerRunner function once and reuse the runWithAmplifyServerContext function throughout. Retrieve your current authenticated user AWS Amplify Documentation. [DEBUG] 58:59. 602 AuthClass - Getting current session Failed to get user from user pool ConsoleLogger. where() method [edit] If you make a new amplify push you may get back the original configuration in src/amplifyconfiguration. I tried setting the tokens manually using Amplify. Future < void > fetchCurrentUserAttributes async The Goal Launch a React based order form using AWS amplify. amplify status apiauth. The input to Auth. Manage user sessions. For the default amplify add auth settings, the object returned by the Auth. tsx file and then passed into the Describe the bug Auth. Each user creates, reads, updates, and deletes data at the application level. We already have a Cognito UserPool and API set up and My applications should login with Microsoft account (OAuth Provider). When the default method for user sign-in, Amplify Auth will automatically Using Amplify Authentication, then you can retrieve the current session and get access tokens, etc. SignIn() works fine. Currently fails to submit entries to the database, due to what may be an authentication problem. attributes["custom:group"] is undefined, even though I have confirmed that the custom:group attribute exists and is set for the user in the Cognito User Pool. See example below: export async function getStaticPaths(context) { const SSR When you get the current user session, the tokens will be saved in your custom location. After the user is returned you can do stuff like user. When they click through with their email, they are added to a user pool where their username looks something like @vdhpieter it looks like the Auth Class is being configured multiple times, which can result in unpredictable/undesired behavior. Select Next. Select Attach policies directly and select AdministratorAccess-Amplify as the Permissions policy. Amplify has pre-built UI components for React, Vue, Angular, React Native, Swift, Android, and The AWSMobileClient provides client APIs and building blocks for developers who want to create user authentication experiences. You can also customize this component to add or remove fields, Access and update user attributes AWS Amplify Documentation. getCurrentUser() Expected behavior. When the default method for user sign-in, Amplify Auth will automatically configure an email or phoneNumber attribute that is required for sign-in. However, if I remove the cookieStorage configuration everything works as expected. Additional information such as the user's name, email, location, and device can be included by specifying the UserProfile. Learn how to customize After importing the packages we need, we define pipe. In order to successfully import your User Pool, your User Pools require at least one app client with the following conditions: Amplify w/Cognito: How do I get the Current User's Email? 0. I am expecting the Auth. Then, you may need to modify the IAM rule from Access and update user attributes AWS Amplify Documentation. For a Gen 2 app, use the Secret management feature in the Amplify console. configure and using an auth interceptor but it did not work because Amplify has some validation logic within the SDK which blocks the request. id or something of that kind 🤓 Displays the current status of your API. signIn(<username>, <passwor You can create logical groups in Cognito User Pools and assign permissions to access resources in Amplify categories with the CLI, as well as define the relative precedence of one group to another. Some scenarios for identifying a user and their associated app activities are: When a user completes app sign up; When a user completes sign in process; When a user launches your app; When a user modifies or updates their Manage user sessions. 3. It returns a promise that resolves to the session object (if there is one). Create a new project with amplify and add auth. fetchAuthSession { (result) in. I am developing an Android app with Kotlin in Android Studio, but I need to retrieve user's groups. I got stuck to get user info after successfully authenticated. You can get the current user's ID from the Amplify Auth category as shown per the Auth category documentation. I have done my best to include a minimal, self-contained set of instructions for consistent That should return the last authenticated user, if the user pool is initialized correctly. The hook will only Note: If your User Pool was created using Amplify CLI to set up backend resources (via amplify add auth) Invoke the following API to get the current MFA preference and enabled MFA types, if any, for the current user. Code Snippet. \$\endgroup\$ – @PedroS11 the main problem that I have with this is that I need to pass the access key and secret access key (in a way that also works in local and in production as well) without commiting them to the repo, and since I'm using Amplify with AppSync I really don't have a backend, I'm trying to do this as a frontend function. To get up and running with the Authenticator, follow the Amplify Gen2 quickstart guide. You can enable your users to change passwords using the The following code correctly obtains user's email in both iOS and Android: Future _usersEmail() async {try {var attributes = (await try Amplify. type Item @model @aws_api_key { id: ID! name: String } AWS Amplify(Gen1)についてわかりやすくまとめてみた ⨯ NoSignedUser: No current user. The location One of the main challenges when building a mobile or web application is authentication of users and authorization of authenticated users to access your backend resources. currentUserInfo Defining the user attributes you include for your user profiles makes user data easy to manage at scale. Setup with Amplify Gen 1 backend. Changing the authMode to 'API_KEY' enabled it to work for me. user you will get back all of the user information. Amplify has pre-built UI components for React, Vue, Angular, React Native, Swift, Android, and To get a high-level view of how Amplify and other AWS services work with most IAM features, see AWS services that work with IAM in the IAM User Guide. */ Auth. General Settings --> App clients --> Set attribute read and write permissions ===== INCORRECT I understand where you're coming from, and honestly I can't really show you clear documentation that exactly states why this won't work. When I login via Cognito User Pool and call Auth. Before you begin: Follow the Next. I can Auth. Approximately two months ago (Dec 2023) AWS Amplify changed functions such as AUTH which broke my former coding to display current user name and email. To set authorization rules that allow these users and groups to perform create, read, update, or delete operations on your app data, see Authorization. Configure Amplify library for client The amplify configure project command allows the user to change the configuration settings that were first set by amplify init, and it takes the same parameters as the amplify it pulls down the latest from the Cloud and updates the contents in the amplify/#current-cloud-backend directory. Please make sure the Auth module is configured with a valid Cognito User Pool ID Hi, I'm using the aws-amplify JS package, but my own Cloudformation stack (below) as I'm trying to understand better what Cognito/amplify are doing under the hood. In this example, you used the Amplify UI library and the withAuthenticator Higher-Order Component to quickly get up and running with a real-world authentication flow. customProperties. Here's our example code: import React, { useEffect, User attributes. For example, you may have a blog where you want different users to have different access levels based on a logical grouping: Read permissions for all This guide walks through how to use Amplify Auth and Data APIs from Next. Access and update user attributes AWS Amplify Documentation. The lambda function can call admin-get-user in Cognito and return the attributes. Voltage which is used to control its Speed. Requests can be made to secure resources using the access token and validated against this claim to permit action on the Set up Amplify Auth. You can call Auth. You signed in with another tab or window. This API isn’t available to Amplify Gen 2 applications. Future < void > fetchCognitoAuthSession async {try ("Current user's identity ID: $ identityId ");} on AuthException catch Auth. Using useAuthenticator hook at your App level is risky, because it'll trigger a re-render down its tree whenever any of its context changes value. By defining access with groups, Amplify configures authorization rules to read from the current user's groups. import {Auth} from ' aws-amplify '; // To setup TOTP, first you need to get a `authorization code` from Amazon Cognito // `user` is the current Authenticated user Auth. Supports identity-based policies: Yes. Learn how to customize Thanks, again, @all-iver!I'm also using Authenticator manually, but with the added complication that Authenticator breaks SSR at import time, so I have a pretty heavy workaround just to get Authenticator to defer import to client side and still connect to the rest of Amplify; I try to use it sparingly and might eject completely. To do so, each object will get an ownerField field (by default owner will be added to the object if not specified) that stores ownership information and is verified in various I am having a weird issue while introducing AWS Amplify to my flutter project. SignOut() problem with Apple login, while the Amplify. Amplify get owner user attributes from Cognito. ts:99 [DEBUG] Before opening, please confirm: I have searched for duplicate or closed issues and discussions. admin. I can print all attributes but unfortunately, I can't use the == operator. How to implement custom identity authorization with AWS Amplify (Flutter or JS) 1. Note. Some scenarios for identifying a user and their associated app activities are: When a user completes app sign up; When a user completes sign in process; When a user launches your app; When a user modifies or updates their For new Amplify apps, we recommend using Amplify Gen 2. After the build completes you will get a main branch deployment available at https: //main. I didn't see userId in my signUp response. func getMFAPreferences async throws {let authCognitoPlugin = try Amplify. The users authenticate with cognito and I am storing their name and picture url there. * methods provided by amplify-js, we always get back some variation of the user is not logged in. currentAuthenticatedUser(); // the array of groups that the user belongs to Start building an app using Amplify, including installing Amplify CLI, initializing a project, and deploying it. graphql with @aws_api_key like so:. Here is my code. Am I missing any codes here Note: Amplify does not manage the lifecycle of an imported resource. signin. js I have basic react app where I am trying to have auth using aws-amplify. I get InvalidStateException(message: There is already a user which is signed in. For a Gen 1 app, store secrets in an environment secret created using the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. js Middleware Creating the sign-in flow can be quite difficult and time-consuming to get right. Upon a successful authentication, we save the user keyed on the client id to local storage. Override Amplify-generated Cognito resources. accessToken. The application is similar to a leaderboard. 81 AuthClass - getting Right now, I'm leaning towards creating a separate table in DynamoDB to track user specific information using the user pool users' "sub" attribute or Cognito IAM ID as an ID for each user in that table, and keeping track of each user's groups there. 5. To use Amplify APIs server-side, you need to install the Amplify Next. currentSession() What is the proper way to get the current user email in a lambda function? When executing a lambda function, the event object contains: { "typeName": "Query", Retrieve Current Authenticated User. 1. Once deployed with amplify push go to the Cognito console, select the newly created user pool and create a user and a group. Configure Amplify library for client AWS Amplify, how to check if user is logged in? 6. Amplify Auth is powered by Amazon Cognito. I am contemplating how can I retrieve the userID once the user signs up. Reload to refresh your session. just replace username with whatever attribute you need from the user. Get the UserName of the authenticated (confirmed) user on Lambda? 3. Depending on the configuration, you may Amplify - Get Current User Info. Service user – If you use the Amplify service to do your job, then your administrator provides you with the credentials and permissions that you need. configure method call. js and AWS Amplify - custom_header defined in Amplify. import { Auth } from 'aws-amplify'; const user = await When you get the current user session, the tokens will be saved in your custom location. In the frontend, let's get your code as an example, you need to use a bit of a different approach: Instead of. But i have an issue loading the currentSignedIn user. To extend a user profile beyond the default email or phoneNumber attribute that is automatically Hello I'm trying to redirect and change my path after sign in using AWS-amplify and with react-dom. If set to true, this call will send a The Auth. On the Review page, check that everything looks good and select Mocking and testing. How do I get the Unique identifier of the current signed in user? I'm getting a weird id if I do: Amplify. Claims?. Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. The user's actions and attributes can also tracked across devices and platforms by using the same userId. Auth. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to is it OK to extract the email using event. amplify status authcustom. // Gets signed in User func getUser() async -> AuthUser { async let user = Amplify. To get started with defining your authentication resource, open or create the auth resource file: Manage user attributes. Type. This API sends information about the current user to Amazon Pinpoint. An intentional decision with Amplify Auth was to avoid any public methods exposing credentials or Using Amplify UI connected components makes it easier to manage styling across your entire app. currentSession() I always get "no current user" even though I'm logged in successfully. 81 AuthClass - Failed to get the current user: "No current user"} ConsoleLogger. AWS Amplify for Flutter: User is signed in but cannot get current user. The amplify_outputs. const item = await API. currentAuthenticatedUser() to not return a CognitoUser object if that user has been deleted from Cognito. After a user has finished signup, they can proceed to sign in. User attributes such as email address, phone number help you identify individual users. By identifying users with additional information, including their device demographics, location and any attributes of your choosing, you will be able to display intelligent, targeted in-app messages to the Second signal required by the Motor is Ref. The user ID can be any string which identifies the user in the context of your application. In the react client I need to show specific user's picture and name based on some selection on the client. I had the same problem. app from app. configure() _ = Amplify. 現在のユーザーが認証されていない場合に発生します。AmplifyのAuthモジュールを使用して認証を設定している場合、ユーザーがログインしていないか、認証情報が失効している Wanted to get an issue open so that I can track the status of this issue :) I have 2 things that I need to be able to do. Amplify Auth stores user profile information in user attributes. I saw something in the appsync docs, but probably unrelated. The user is able to log in, but when I try to get the current session, I get a message saying no current user. ts:99 [DEBUG] 53:23. ( GetUser) Method: npx ampx pipeline-deploy. --app-id (string) - The app id of the target Amplify app. Can you check for multiple/duplicate versions of the core or auth amplify packages by running one of the commands from this troubleshooting page in your terminal?. Invoke the following api to get the list of attributes assigned to the user. json that is generated upon a successful deployment. Introducing Amplify Gen 2 Dismiss Gen 2 introduction dialog. Get CognitoId from Authenticated User. The Amplify Framework is an open source project for building cloud-enabled mobile and web applications. JS application. Please log out the user before calling showSignIn. I have an existing Cognito user pool that I'd like to authenticate against. Identity-based policies are JSON permissions policy documents that you can attach to an identity, such as an IAM I am trying to get a REST API to return currentSession() from AWS Amplify and Cognito. Signed-in user data access. Displays the current status of your storage resource. currentSession & Auth. If the user was signed in through signIn you can retrieve An Amplify project with the Auth category configured; The Amplify libraries installed and configured; A test user signed in; Retrieve your current authenticated user. I have some other attributes for the user which may not be suitable to put in Cognito database. Migrate from v5 to v6. Retrieve your current authenticated user. Use OpenID Connect as an authorization provider. currentSession AWS Amplify Documentation. I can get the ID once the user Signs In, however, I want to get the userID during SignUp Process so I can update some of my model before logging in. Can someone help me in understanding how to It is in user. bypassCache: false // Optional, By default is false. This information will help you personalize user journeys, Amplify gives us a way to get the current user session using the Auth. The Amplify Console provides a central location for development teams to view and manage their backend environments, status of the backend deployment, deep-links to the backend resources You can create logical groups in Cognito User Pools and assign permissions to access resources in Amplify categories with the CLI, as well as define the relative precedence of one group to another. You must supply the custom credentials provider to Amplify via the Amplify. Per-user/per-owner data access. User pool groups are available as a claim in the user's ID token and access token as cognito:groups. Identity-based policies for Amplify. Use AWS Cognito Auth plugin to access auth credentials AWS Amplify Documentation. Users in my AWS Database can only access the data if they are the own I want to signup a user and get the user id in Cognito so that I can save it in my own database. If anyone have an idea can help me thank you My Code: What is the proper way to get the user info? This is the flow with Cognito Auth: User signs in -> Lambda post confirmation creates a 1:1 user in Dynamo using email as unique identifier. signIn() successfully, refresh the page, and call Auth. json. Feature Visit Amplify in the AWS Management Console to see your current backend environment. 602 11. I'm fetching the user data in redux actions and, as I followed some tutorials, I need to get jwt token coming from backend in However, when we call any of the Auth. This can be useful for defining which users should be part of "Admins" vs "Editors", and if the users in a Group should be able to just write or Set up Amplify GraphQL API. As you use more Amplify features to do your work, you might need additional Calling Auth. My goal is to show current user's username when the user is logged in. currentUser Info() for showing user profile data. If the user is signed in through Amplify Auth signIn, then you can retrieve the current user's ID as shown I'm having problem with the Auth. 915 foo - callback data [DEBUG] 10:23. I simply had to annotate my schema. The code sample from aws works for me. import {fetchMFAPreference } from 'aws-amplify/auth'; async function Navigate to the IAM User creation page if it's not already open. Let’s load this when After a successful sign in, should be able to call Auth. env to get those environmental variables. --outputs-out-dir (string) - A path to a directory where the client config file is written. Deploys the Amplify project in a CI/CD pipeline for a specified Amplify app and branch. You can then call the following on the result to get the access token: res. 944 Amplify Auth, how to get current user's groups? #1655. Copy code example. In Amplify Studio, you can create and manage users and groups, edit user attributes, and suspend users. func fetchAttributes async {do Use the Amplify analytics plugin to inform Pinpoint about your users. case . Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. Amplify recently released a new enhancement for the authentication category to allow Flutter developers to set up custom authentication challenges using Amazon Cognito AWS Regarding the question at the top, and the README in Authentication - Retrieve current session, I am now unclear whether the Auth. LOG_LEVEL = 'DEBUG' 19:03:52. I will use DAC (0~10v). I have read the guide for submitting bug reports. same source code runing on iOS14. I need after user login redirect them to localhost/main main because its sill in localhost/. All Auth API’s now use the current Here is the data captured with Amplify. You signed out in another tab or window. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Xcode12. This call sends information that you have specified about a user to Amazon Pinpoint. 102 Credentials - Auth. publicApiKey() A Default Authorization Mode is provided as part of the amplify_outputs. When one is lit, the other is not Once you set up this model to allow user pools to access all the data they "own", you can also let any "guest" user to access the data too. then ((code) => {// You can directly display the `code` to the user or convert it to a QR code to be scanned. Logger. federatedSignIn({provider: 'Google'}); to log them in. Reproduction steps. – How to get current user username in AWS Lambda? 5. I've seen this aws-amplify/amplify-js#4306 , is it also possible for Android? You can get the user info by going to the Amplify AdminUI -> User Management and typing the username (email) of the user. js adapter. Below, you can see sample code of how such a custom nadetastic changed the title Next. Get the user ID from Amplify Auth. This API is available only to Amplify Gen 1 applications where the backend is created using Amplify Studio or the Amplify command line interface (CLI). – I want to return the user ID of my user attributes in aws Amplify Cognito. Hot Network Questions The hat-check problem One IO to control two LEDs. I assume you've Set up Amplify Auth. Cognito successfully redirects to my 'sign in URL' and has the 'id_token' in the query f You will create a “Todo app” using Amplify DataStore to store and retrieve items in a cloud database, as well as receive updates over a realtime subscription. 907 AuthClass - getting current credntials [DEBUG] 58:59. type Item @model @auth(rules: [ { allow: owner}, { allow: groups, Audience. Future < void > fetchCurrentUserAttributes async owner field is only used for checking if the requested user is the owner of the data. Java Kotlin - Callbacks Kotlin - Coroutines RxJava. get-current-authenticated-users-email-in-aws-amplify-v6. js:100 {[DEBUG] 18:03. currentUserInfo() method retrieves the AWS Cognito User Attributes for the current user. To setup Amplify using the Gen1 CLI, follow the steps below: Step 1. You can also customize this component to add or remove Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; I think I might have found the solution. LOG_LEVEL = 'DEBUG'; below are the AuthClass outputs. 80 AuthClass - Failed to get user from user pool ConsoleLogger. 880 Credentials - set credentials from session ConsoleLogger. Amplify Authentication provides an interface for authenticating a user. Options--branch (string) - Name of the git branch being deployed. js:107 [DEBUG] 12:27. currently in my Next. You can name the user anything but we'll call it "amplify-dev". currentAuthenticatedUser() method, there are times I call it, and Promise does not return either then() or catch(). This guide walks through how to use Amplify Auth and Data APIs from Next. The lambda function will receive the dynamo Item in the event. getCurrentUser() get nil even I have logged in. Develop and deploy without the hassle. Parameter Store will be used to keep a copy of the various values stored in team-provider-info. It must include the scope aws. Is it possible to make a call to Cognito to get the user In Amplify Studio, you can create and manage users and groups, edit user attributes, and suspend users. Enter a User name and select Next. Expected behavior. I am able to send the user to the hosted ui. I have the usernames stored in a database. I need to amplify this current to 1A to drive the motor. So, I m looking for Current amplifier to get 1A current. Multi-step sign-in. currentSession and get a result for the user. import { Auth } from 'aws-amplify'; Auth. AWS Cognito, checking if authenticated user is in group or is admin using amplify. username; return user;} console. payload["cognito:groups"] which will contain an array of all groups for the user. Amplify Functions are powered by AWS Lambda, and allow you to perform a wide variety of customization through self-contained functions. 0. OrdinalIgnoreCase))?. js' that provides configuration your frontend can use. Custom data access using Lambda functions. json file contains backend endpoint information, publicly-viewable API keys, authentication flow information, and more. The tokens are keyed on that user and client id. Retrieve current session using aws-amplify. The SignIn function works and i get a CognitoUser object returned, however, the getSession() function returns An Amplify project with the Auth category configured; The Amplify libraries installed and configured; A test user signed in; Retrieve your current authenticated user. To create a user. auth(). https:// This function successfully logs the user data to the console, but user. Today, we’re happy to announce that you can set up AWS Lambda triggers directly from the Amplify CLI. Back on your app, import amplify-js and do the ritual setup of framework of your In my React app I am working in user login. 3) do returns a promise. I'm using AWS Amplify and AWS Gateway API in a React Native app. After you add the libraries, run flutter pub get command. Some users can be offline (for example, on a flight or inside a subway with limited connectivity). To revoke tokens you can set up global sign-out with signOut({ global: true }) to globally sign out your user from all of their devices. For more information, see Secrets and environment vars in the Amplify Documentation. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; AuthClass - Failed to get the signed in user – "No current user" However, looking at the Cognito console, the user has been changed to CONFIRMED state so I know it's working. You can learn more in our Gen 2 Docs . Custom attributes can also be included by setting UserProfile. Amplify w/Cognito: How do I get the Current User's Email? 2. setupTOTP (user). Not throwing any errors too. source property so you will have access to the owner id to make the call to Cognito. currentAuthenticatedUser, I get JWT token which I can With small custom extension methods you can now get the current user id (more accurate the subject claim) like that. switch result {. In order to quickly test and debug without pushing all changes in your project to the cloud, Amplify supports Local Mocking and Testing for certain categories including API (AWS AppSync), Storage AWS Amplify is a set of tools and services that enables mobile and front-end web developers to build secure, scalable full-stack applications powered by AWS. appid Set up a Function. Then of course whatever backend your app is communicating with has to authenticate that token (using Amplify SDK). 940 AuthClass - cannot load federated user from auth storage [DEBUG] 10:23. You can use a function resolver on a cognitoAttributes field. If you use cookies make sure your exp is a number and not a string. Getting Cognito User and Group inside Amplify AWS API function. To get started with defining your authentication resource, open or create the auth resource file: When I call Auth. = useState(false) useEffect(() => { /* Get the AWS credentials for the current user from Identity Pools. Import an existing Cognito User Pool. I'm using . signIn. but amplify then seems to fail to get the current user - [DEBUG] 12:26. public static string SubjectId(this ClaimsPrincipal user) { return user?. In this article, we'll discuss how to resolve the 'ReferenceError: Amplify not defined' issue when attempting to get the current user session sign-in information using Cognito and JavaScript. Some scenarios for identifying a user and their associated app activities are: When a user completes app sign up; When a user completes sign in process; When a user launches your app; When a user modifies or updates their Learn more about what Amplify Auth provisions and supports AWS Amplify Documentation. AuthClass - Cannot get the current user because the user pool is missing. Cognito is a robust user directory service that handles user registration, authentication, account recovery, and other operations. By default, Amplify Data uses the "userPool" authorization which uses the signed-in user credentials to sign an API request. includes On the backend, if you are using an Amplify Function ( Lambda ) via NodeJS, you can use process. js:84 [DEBUG] 18:03. Under the hood. signIn is largely unchanged in the v6 signIn API, but how the object is structured is slightly different: clientMetadata is now under an options object that also includes an authFlowType option if needed. graphQl is with authorisation rules private, and I can get Auth. currentAuthenticatedUser() and get the current user. log( "username is: ", getUser() ) this will give you the username that you can use anywhere in the app. What you will do: Set up a React Native application configured with Amplify; Create a data model and persist data to Amplify DataStore; Connect your local data to synchronize to a Instead, after deleting the user from the Cognito console, that user still pops up as the currentAuthenticatedUser. 4. let user = Auth. js and AWS Amplify "No current user" at getServerSideProps - REST, not GraphQL Next. To get started with defining your authentication resource, open or create the auth resource file: You can use the Amplify Auth category APIs to sign up and sign in your end users on the client side. I'm following the Re-use existing authentication resource instructions in the Amplify docs I'm signing in through a NextJS Custom attributes need to be set readable or writable. pipe lets us functionally compose the middleware. Amplify has re-imagined the way frontend developers build fullstack applications. Amplify DataStore receives the data on each user's local devices, both for online and offline users. Now i have added a new attribute to the user and expecting that attribute to be returned in the response after signin, but unfortunately not getting that attribute. Your frontend will have no access to environmental variables. Introducing Amplify Gen 2 This could be for an unauthenticated (guest) or an authenticated user. You will continue by adding the Amplify Authenticator and Amplify Authentication libraries to your code. Usage examples see here. Displays the current status of In Amplify Studio, you can create and manage users and groups, edit user attributes, and suspend users. getStaticPaths and getStaticProps are invoked during build time so the user will likely not be present since the user is not "logged in" when you run your build process. To fetch the details of the user, simply use this. Amplify Auth signin flows can be multi step processes. currentAuthenticatedUser() and retrieve the user. It is highly recommended that you complete the Getting Started section of Amplify setup before using local mocking. cognito. Here is how I am invoking the checkUser function: useEffect(() => { checkUser(); }, []); I'm working on a react-native / Expo app using Amplify with Cognito for Authentication and Authorization. currentAuthenticatedUser() with login password, but when I choose We collect user inputs; We call an Amplify API to perform an action / persist user attributes on the user object; Our settings page, located at src/pages/settings/, is split into 3 sections: personal section; profile section; security section; The flow for these 3 sections is the same: Learn more about what Amplify Auth provisions and supports AWS Amplify Documentation. Thought that this could be very helpful to someone as I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to get UserAttributes with only accessToken and region ( Similar to this but with REST API ( Without using aws-sdk ). Async/Await Combine. Override Amplify-generated Cognito resources Pulls the current environment from the cloud: amplify env checkout <env-name> [--restore] Switches to the selected environment: amplify env list [--details] [--json] Displays a list of all the environments: amplify env get --name <env amplify console. signIn throws error: AuthClass - Failed to get the signed in user – "No current user" To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Call await Auth. Amplify-js abstracts the refresh logic away from you. func fetchAttributes {Amplify. 4. federatedSignIn has no relation with Auth. The Get Current User Info action gets the logged in user's account information. Now add the user to your group. configure() doesn't work with SSR Calls (REST, not GraphQL) Oct 16, 2023. This is the second step related to your cognito identity pool not having the necessary authorizations. The Amplify client library uses this outputs file to connect to your Amplify Backend. AWS Amplify Documentation. attributes. However, Amplify has the Authenticator UI component which you can use to quickly build the entire authentication flow for your app, using your backend configuration. This can be useful for defining which users should be part of "Admins" vs "Editors", and if the users in a Group should be able to just write or In Amplify Studio, you can create and manage users and groups, edit user attributes, and suspend users. sub; If user was not verified yet e. A major difference is that a CognitoUser is no longer returned from signIn. To get started with defining your authentication resource, open or create the auth resource file: My thought here was to try and return current user data by comparing 'name' in the MongoDB collection with the logged-in user stored in this. The Authenticator works seamlessly with the Amplify CLI to automatically work with your backend. 5 Amplify. currentSession() should solve your problem. Behind the The user's actions and attributes can also tracked across devices and platforms by using the same userId. I am using the amplify I'm trying to make an user-authenticated GraphQL request on the serverside in getServerSideProps using AWS Amplify and Next JS. currentSession() should return a promise or an object?. Define your data model in a GraphQL schema and Amplify will deploy a GraphQL API powered by AWS AppSync, connect to a database powered by Amazon DynamoDB on your behalf. The command does not take any The user's actions and attributes can also tracked across devices and platforms by using the same userId. js App Router tutorial; Install the Amplify Next. I was pulling it from an env var and not converting it to a number. , recoverySuggestion: Operation performed is not a You can alternatively create your own custom credentials provider to get AWS credentials directly from Cognito Federated Identities and not use User Pool federation. amplifyService. Install aws-amplify with a react-native project To fully harness the potential of In-App Messaging, you must segment and target your In-App Messaging campaigns to specific user subsets. Token revocation is enabled automatically in Amplify Auth. getCurrentUser() I get something like: Checking both amplify and auth connect docs I found no clear way to set current user manually. Version 11 of Amplify CLI will start using Parameter Store from AWS Systems Manager (SSM). Multi-user data access. Now you have the unique id. js adapter in addition to the Amplify libraries: Flutter Amplify: How to get user id after signup. Select the "Cognito User Pool only" option when you've run amplify import auth. When I try to sign in a user. Copy link Member. get current auth user. However, whenever I try to call any AWS resources that require authentication I get No Current User. It's this method, that does the following: Get idToken, accessToken, refreshToken, and clockDrift from your I use this code below to get user attributes with the same version of Amplify. Retrieve your current authenticated user I am using aws-amplify to log my users into my site. A workaround is doing: you may face an issue related to No current user. Retrieve your current authenticated user It's unclear what you are asking for. claims. amplify status storageanalytics. How you use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) differs, depending on the work that you do in Amplify. Use an existing Cognito User Pool and Identity Pool. Wrapping all functionality works good. Listener (iOS 11+) Combine (iOS 13+) Copy code example. AWS Documentation AWS Amplify User Guide. namebut I understand that this might not work because the . Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; Manage user attributes. If you use a allow. Displays the current status of your auth resource. currentSession &orAuth. Afterwards, we define tapRoute, which takes in a function and route (aka. amplify status customstorage. auth Related to the Auth category/plugins question General question. We are getting the same thing. This includes declarative methods for performing authentication actions, a simple "drop-in auth" UI for performing common tasks, automatic token and credentials management, and state tracking with . Value; } Or you use the version in the answer Manage user sessions. But its output current is approx 10mA. archer-65 opened this issue Feb 6, 2022 · 2 comments Labels. When you set ssr: true when calling Amplify. isSignedIn)") case We are integrating with amplify authentication in our react native app (runs on expo). currentAuthenticatedUser({. You can use the getCurrentUser API to get information about the currently authenticated user including the username, userId and signInDetails. 6. Functions can respond to events from other resources, execute some logic in-between events like an authentication flow, or act as standalone jobs. Introducing Amplify Gen 2 , AWS credentials, and Cognito User Pool tokens. 1) Get the AWS Cognito user's JWT token via cookies like the following auth: I can successfully login, but after I call either of those functions, they both throw errors stating there is no current user. If not provided, Also, make sure your user is verified. AWS Amplify is a complete solution that lets frontend web and mobile developers easily build, connect, and host fullstack applications on AWS, with the flexibility to leverage the breadth of AWS services as your use cases evolve. It needs 0-10v with 1A current. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Follow the set up guide in the Full Sample docs. I use nestjs with passport with jwt strategy. Using Amplify UI connected components makes it easier to manage styling across your entire app. attributes fields. 10. if you just do Auth. graphql(graphqlOperation(getItem, { id: 'my-id' })) try something like I am using Auth. The user details will be saved in the Custom State selected by clicking the "Save Output To" button. AWS AMPLIFY: How to specify auth for custom lambda resolvers. userPoolTokens. You can get UserAttributes with accessToken using this HTTP request. // Put your logs below this line [DEBUG] 10:23. Manage Auth session with the Next. Identify user. When you deploy an application with Amplify Gen 2, you provision the app's backend infrastructure using Typescript code. Aws amplify is working fine for signup,login part. . Defining the user attributes you include for your user profiles makes user data easy to manage at scale. Introducing Amplify Gen 2 Use an existing Cognito User Pool and Identity Pool. I have done my best to include a minimal, self-contained set of instructions for consistent Not sure if it's possible, but if amplify can expose a method to get the current device, we would use the cognito ID for the mobile phone and it would be easier to integrate with events that happen with that device via LambdaTriggers, for example. This usage falls under the permanent free tier of SSM. Don't use environment variables to store secrets. This information will help you personalize user journeys, tailor content, provide intuitive account control, and more. 415s Log [DEBUG] 03:52. Copy link archer-65 commented Feb 6, 2022. Using REST API AccessToken. Comments. Learn more about how you can manage user content for your app in public, protected or private storage buckets using The user's actions and attributes can also tracked across devices and platforms by using the same userId. 909 AuthClass - Creating the sign-in flow can be quite difficult and time-consuming to get right. All Auth API’s now use the current Setup with Amplify Gen 2 backend. Amplify's GraphQL API category allows you to build a secure, real-time GraphQL API backed by a database in minutes. Authorize this action with a signed-in user's access token. currentUserInfo. I activated the debug mode Amplify. 941 AuthClass - get current authenticated userpool user [DEBUG] 10:23. Review the concepts to learn more. g by clicking on verification email link, or entering verification code, you will get empty object back from Auth. I am using the Auth Module Provided by Aws Amplify. And I want to get a current user on some of my requests. Owner authorization specifies whether a user can access or operate against an object. Amplify CLI will use standard parameters to keep this copy of the values. email for the current cognito user? I haven't found documentation about that. I have a user pool set up in cognito. Also, in nextjs specifically, you must call configure import Amplify from 'aws-amplify';Amplify. currentAuthenticatedUser. Change a password while signed into their account. Amplify Auth provides access to current user sessions and tokens to help you retrieve your user's information to determine if they are signed in with a valid session and control their access to your app. If that doesn't output any packages, then I would Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; From conversations from other issues, one thing is clear to me : Auth. Displays the current status of your custom resource. 918 AuthClass - getting current authenticated user Fetching pedometer [DEBUG] 10:23. currentSession() returns a CognitoUserSession object which contains JWT accessToken, idToken, and You can set this up using the Amplify Libraries. I have also noticed that, while the Access and update user attributes AWS Amplify Documentation. can not retrieve Username with Amplify Auth. I have an AWS Amplify backend that is You can use the exported runWithAmplifyServerContext function to call Amplify APIs with in isolated request contexts. fetchUserAttributes {result in. Currently I confirm user's email by sending them a link rather than a verification code so that the user only need to click the link in email, rather You can use the exported runWithAmplifyServerContext function to call Amplify APIs with in isolated request contexts. js adapter in addition to the Amplify libraries: Before opening, please confirm: I have searched for duplicate or closed issues and discussions. /** * Get current authenticated user * @return - A promise resolves to curret authenticated CognitoUser if success */ currentAuthenticatedUser(): Promise<CognitoUser | any>; Set up Amplify Auth. No new features or bug fixes will be added. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Configure backend. But looking at my old notes, to get the token with Amplify Flutter, follow these instructions. It is showing the user name only no other attributes. configure, the Amplify library uses cookies to store tokens which will be sent along with HTTP requests to your Next. The doc shows it should returns an object but my current aws-amplify (0. The amplify console command launches the browser directing you to your cloud project in the AWS Amplify Console. The required steps are determined by the configuration you provided when you define your auth resources like described on Manage MFA Settings page. I have configured Federated Sign On for Facebook and Google+ using the amplify CLI. currentSession and get a result for Gets the user attributes and metadata for a user. Some scenarios for identifying a user and their associated app activities are: When a user completes app sign up; When a user completes sign in process; When a user launches your app; When a user modifies or updates their This call identifies the current user (which could be unauthenticated or authenticated) to Amazon Pinpoint. I have a repo using the new Amplify Authenticator UI + Next SSR + getServerSideProps on the amplify-ui branch that may help to get you unblocked. js server-side runtimes. On the Manage menu, choose User management. Some scenarios for identifying a user and their associated app activities are: When a user completes app sign up; When a user completes sign in process; When a user launches your app; When a user modifies or updates their An Amplify project with the Auth category configured; The Amplify libraries installed and configured; A test user signed in; Retrieve your current authenticated user. This could be for an unauthenticated (guest) or an authenticated user. Introducing Amplify Gen 2 Invoke the following API to get the current MFA preference and enabled MFA types, if any, for the current user. import {fetchMFAPreference } from 'aws-amplify/auth'; Set up deployment workflows for Gen 1 Amplify apps. Amplify fails to push auth - nodejs8. 2 is all right. configure({ Auth: yourCognitoConfig }); on every page with server side Set up Amplify Auth. currentAuthenticatedUser() to get the current authenticated user object. const user = await Auth. getCurrentUser() return await user! } Of course you have to check for session first because I'm unwrapping it above and if it's nil your app will crash. Be sure to select cognito as authentication method. I'm using two authentication types ( login-password and login with azure) , My shema. Here is a short example: import { Auth } from 'aws-amplify'; const user = await Auth. Listen to auth events. Fetch the current user's attributes. 79 AuthClass - Getting current session ConsoleLogger. currentSession() method. Load User Session. js app server. My log-in script: import ConsoleLogger. Currently, I have a decorator that looks like this: import { createParamDecorator, ExecutionCo Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand ; Advertising Reach developers & technologists worldwide; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Close accordion. mtu kqtgxd wnyc pmdoljv tflyhhu dxucq heg mtjy tqgtxjpx qhld